2009年8月13日 星期四


一人一信請國際救救台灣八八水災 【懇請支持、踴躍轉寄】 一人一信請國際救救台灣八八水災 【懇請支持、踴躍轉寄】 一人一信請國際救救台灣八八水災 【懇請支持、踴躍轉寄】 由於馬政府現在還在考量政治而忽視人命,這是由PTT發起的活動,麻煩大家花個一分鐘,複製以下訊息,寄給下面單位。 與其看著新聞報導落淚,不如起而行盡份心力,或許效果不大,但每一封信都代表一分希望、都可能多救出一位災民! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please save Taiwan! Please! Please save Taiwan! Many villages in Southern Taiwan are still waiting for rescue while our president Ma is still hesitating, even refusing foreign help provided by rescue teams for reasons we don't understand. Please let more rescue teams know that we REALLY, REALLY need help! We hear so much SOS from the villages in the mountains but couldn't do anything. They have no food, no water, no electricity, all transportation shut down, and phones can't work so there's no communication for already 6 days!!! The rescue teams in Taiwan are getting tired, and we need more help. Please ask more helicopters and rescue teams to come and save us! Those who are trapped might not be able to hold on for any longer! Thank you so much! ----------------------------------------------------- BBC Mail yourpics@bbc.co.uk 聯合國國際人道援助 http://ochaonline.un.org/ContactUs/tabid/1502/Default.aspx 以下兩個填寫較麻煩,可以選擇發送 CNN留言板 http://edition.cnn.com/feedback/tips/newstips.html 美慈組織 http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=content.view&cpid=459